commons::array< T > | A thin wrapper around arrays |
commons::chunk | A fixed-size buffer (really just a pair of length and pointer) |
commons::deque< T > | A simple deque implementation that uses coarse-grained allocation (linked lists of chunks) |
commons::eqstr | A functor that checks for string equality |
commons::finally | Exception-returning delegate for running a 0-ary void function |
commons::managed_array< T > | Conditionally-scoped, move-able, release-able, un-sized array |
commons::mem_region | Simple dynamically growing memory region that does not support deallocation |
commons::pool< T > | A fixed-size pool of resources |
commons::posix_rand | Linear congruential generator |
commons::region_alloc< T > | Standard region-based allocator |
commons::region_alloc< T >::rebind< U > | Rebind allocator to type U |
commons::sized_array< T > | A thin wrapper around arrays |
commons::st_bool | Synchronized boolean |
commons::st_channel< T > | An unbounded FIFO queue |
commons::st_cond | Wraps st_cond_* errno-functions with exceptions and cleans up on destruction |
commons::st_intr | RAII for making the current thread interruptible on a certain hub |
commons::st_intr_bool | Like st_intr_cond, but a bool instead, so there's state; newly joining threads may immediately be interrupted |
commons::st_intr_cond | The simplest hub, which only interrupts those who are currently joined in the hub (like a condition variable broadcast) |
commons::st_intr_hub | A hub is a single point to signal to wake up a set of threads |
commons::st_joining | RAII for joining on a single thread |
commons::st_lock | RAII to acquire and release a st_mutex_t |
commons::st_multichannel< T > | An unbounded FIFO multi-cast channel, i.e |
commons::st_mutex | Wraps st_mutex_* errno-functions with exceptions and cleans up on destruction |
commons::st_reader | Convenience class for reading from sockets |
commons::st_thread_group | RAII for joining on all contained threads |
commons::timer | Convenience class for performing wall-clock benchmarking |